What's DP 2034

A Development Plan is a plan for the development or redevelopment of an area within the jurisdiction of a planning authority. The DP is the most important document affecting the provision of basic services in the region under consideration. It is a map that defines which land parcels in the city would be reserved for public use. It is a document that sets the path for making Mumbai a livable city.

The Maharashtra Region and Town Planning Act specifies that every municipal corporation must prepare a development plan to be implemented over 20 years. The last development plan for Mumbai was prepared in 1981 and was adopted only thirteen years later, in 1994. Thus a new plan, which is valid for 20 years has been prepared since 2014 and will be in force till 2034.

The public authority responsible for the DP is the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM). For the revision of the DP, the MCGM has selected an external consultant through a tendering process who have developed the current draft plan. The people of Mumbai have a say in the process of preparation of the DP as it is going to affect them for a period of 20 years or more which is the equivalent of an entire generation making citizens response to this document even more important than voting.

The Draft Development Plan for Mumbai 2014-2034, along with Draft Development Control Regulations, have been published in the Gazette and the News Papers. Suggestions/Objections/Comments are requested from all at the earliest. Kindly note that the period for suggestion/objections is only 60 days. The draft Development Plan 2014-34 can be downloaded from the MCGM website here.

Nagar's view on DP 2034

  • Until subject-wise focus meetings on the DP are held the Draft DP cannot be opened for citizens' suggestions / objections. The 60 day period should begin only once such Consultative Meetings are completed. Open Spaces is one such issue.
  • Do not dilute the open space norm of 3 sq m per person as per the National Building Code (NBC). Mumbai is currently shown as having 1.00sq m pp - 1.09sq.m per person in the Draft DP
  • Open Spaces are non-negotiable- 2sq m pp is not acceptable
  • Clear & precise parameters must be made known based on which the open space availability has been recorded.
  • Open Spaces - Recreation Grounds (RG)/Playgrounds (PG)/Parks (P)/Gardens
  • Must be clubbed together and must be Non-Buildable, Accessible, Permeable & Open to Sky
  • Open spaces must be - a) Accessible - freely open to public, not private land or having membership / restricted access; if a beach, then it has to be sandy not rocky /paved; traffic islands cannot be categorized as "open spaces" as they are not accessible. b) Permeable - not be a hard surface / paved or it cannot be a car park or roof top. c) Non-buildable d) Open to sky
  • RG/PG/P/G's must have clear and precise definitions in the Development Control Regulations (DCRs) for their character & use. These definitions must be uniformly applied throughout the DP & DCRs with no scope for discretionary use.

  • To augment the current dismal ratio of open spaces promenade and beaches must be earmarked in the DP as Public open Spaces, with clear and precise definitions for their character and use.
  • Buffer areas of a specific measurement must be mandatory around all water bodies namely, ponds/ tanks/ nullahs / rivers. The buffer land must be earmarked in the DP as Public Open Spaces with clear and precise definitions for their character and use. This will augment the current dismal ratio of open spaces.
  • Clubs, gymkhanas, swimming pool, stadiums cannot be termed public open spaces.
  • The DP must also have clear and precise definitions for terms such as Amenities, Promenades, Beaches, Vacant Land and Buffer zones
  • The incompetency of previous governments to not implement provisions of the earlier DPs cannot be used as an excuse to change the planning process as has been seen in the new concepts namely "Creating a Pool of Land for Public Purpose" & "Simplification and Flexibility for Reservation Policy". These are dangerous concepts leaving the future use of all such lands in the hands of politicians & bureaucrats to be manipulated by them.
  • No MPLAD and Corporate funds should be allowed to be spent on non-buildable public open spaces.

Download Draft Letter

We request you to kindly scrutinize the Development Plan and give your suggestions / objections to MCGM at the earliest. Kindly do not wait till the end on raising them as you can supplement them with a letter.

We have prepared a draft letter format which may be used to prepare the suggestion / objections. Download Here

How this site works

We want to make this process as simple as possible for you. And so,

  • You will need to Register on our site - will take just a few seconds.
  • Once registered, you will reach the Dashboard.
  • Here, a very simple form awaits you.
  • Add your subject line, explanation and add attachment, if needed.

  • You can Add More subjects, if required.
  • Click Save, if you want to save your work and return later to complete it.
  • Once done, you can click on Preview & Print.
  • Our system generates a Ready-to-Print letter for you.
  • You can view the letter on clicking Preview & Print, and go ahead with the printing.
  • Make sure to post the letter to the addresses mentioned on the letter.